Hi Surya,
Yesterday's email revealed to you the fact that MaxBlogPress
blogs are run on "steroids" which enable us to extract "triple"
more subscriptions from current traffic streams...
That means, we increased our profit potential by up to 300% --
in other words, without this plugin, we'd be cashing-in 3x times
LESS money... wow, can't believe I've said that; definitely, I'd
not imagine living MY lifestyle without this list booster
wordpress plugin...
Sadly, most bloggers [around 97%, conservatively speaking] are
not running their blogs at full power; in fact, they're earning
just 10%-30% of their true potential!
What about you? Can you really afford to run your blog on low
subscription rates?
Look, we spent a whole year scouring the web and developing the
"ONLY" list boosting wordpress plugin FOR BLOGGERS...
This is the very same "mind-reading" tool we're using to get
TRIPLE visitors to join our list from the "regular" stream of
traffic, without annoying or irritating people...
Yes, list building works even with "small" traffic, and without
you having to nag your visitors with multiple pop-ups in their
If you had to make a choice and put your list on auto-pilot and
stimulate maximum conversions would you continue doing what
you're already doing, or give our "Subscribers Magnet" a try?
Here's more info about this list booster plugin which should
help you decide if this is for you
#1. There's no other solution like it available on the market at
the moment
#2. We have PROVEN this plugin can double and even triple the
subscription rate on the blogs we tested -- and it works wonders
even for blogs who are getting "little" or "decent" traffic
#3. You'd be among the bloggers who are CONSTANTLY adding new
subscribers to their list, thus INCREASING their page views,
traffic and revenue, which they wouldn't get without our tool
#4. Also, you receive a complimentary PDF report - "Multiple Hit
Strategy" which comes as special bonus with your purchase,
created particularly for this project
The report teaches you step-by-step how to properly and
efficiently configure the plugin to fire on all its cylinders.
It "hits" the users from multiple angles and "invites" visitors
and readers to join your list without irritating them.
Find more info right here, right now:
Go grab it now while it lasts!
Pawan Agrawal
If you no longer wish to receive our emails, click the link below:
MaxBlogPress Tukucha, Gairidhara, Block No: KUKL: 2-16-13C Kathmandu, Bagmati P.O. Box: 11130 Nepal +97714428125

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