Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011

Surya, Types of Money Machine Websites that You Can Create Using WordPress

Hi Surya,

There are many ways to use WordPress in the online business. With all its simplicity, we can create a variety of web sites using the power of its themes or plugins.

Here are some types of money machine web sites that we can create using WordPress, that you may not know yet:

#1. Local Real Estate Portals

Income stream: Charging money to real estate agents or individuals to list their property and show pictures.

Type of listings: Realtor properties, FSBO properties, Rental properties.

Getting started: Select type of listings; Setting a local branding domain; Setup WordPress and choose a real estate theme and/or plugin.

Resources: Templatic Real Estate Theme, RealtorPress theme, Great Real Estate plugin, Real Estate plugin.

#2. Coupon Sites

Income stream: From affiliate network that offers coupons or from local entrepreneur (you approach local business with the opportunity to offer coupons through your website.

Getting started: Figure out what approach you'll gonna use; Find websites that offer coupon or contact the local entrepreneur.

Resources: CouponPress theme, WordPress Clipper theme, DRP Coupon plugin, WP Coupon plugin.

#3. Automobile Classified Ads

Income stream: There are two types of income, through listing fees and ads.

Getting started: Install automobile theme and classifieds ads script.

Resources: Automobile Theme for WordPress, WordPress classified Script, Free WP Classifieds plugin.

 #4. Price Comparison Sites

Income stream: From affiliate sales

Getting started: Install WordPress with comparison plugin and theme (see resources).

Resources: Price comparison theme, ComparePress plugin, CompariPress plugin (if you want to use datafeeds).

The above list is only a small part of a very big list. Click here to read the complete list of 57 types of money machine websites that we can create using the power of WordPress and its themes or plugins.

Best Regards,

Purwedi Kurniawan

Permata Tlogomas C17, Malang, Jawa Timur 65144, INDONESIA

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