Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011

Reminder to verify the accuracy of Whois data for mostinterior.com

Dear Registrant,

This automated message is a reminder to help you keep the contact data associated with your domain registration up-to-date. We have the following information on record, about your domain name mostinterior.com with us:

Domain: mostinterior.com

Registrar Name:
Directi Internet Solutions Pvt. Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com

Name: Surya Nata Wijaya
Company: None
Address: jl sisingamangaraja no 55
City: parapat, simalungun
State/Province:Sumatra Utara
Postal Code: 21174
Email: soerya89@gmail.com
Administrative Contact:
Name: Surya Nata Wijaya
Company: None
Address: jl sisingamangaraja no 55
City: parapat, simalungun
State/Province:Sumatra Utara
Postal Code: 21174
Email: soerya89@gmail.com
Technical Contact:
Name: Surya Nata Wijaya
Company: None
Address: jl sisingamangaraja no 55
City: parapat, simalungun
State/Province:Sumatra Utara
Postal Code: 21174
Email: soerya89@gmail.com
Billing Contact:
Name: Surya Nata Wijaya
Address: jl sisingamangaraja no 55
City: parapat, simalungun
State/Province:Sumatra Utara
Postal Code: 21174
Email: soerya89@gmail.com
Creation Date: Feb 9, 2011
Expiry Date: Feb 9, 2012


If you feel that any of the above mentioned information is inaccurate, please take a moment to correct this discrepancy by visiting our website. Once you have made the modifications and saved them, they will reflect in our Whois Database immediately. (If your review indicates that all of the information above is accurate, you do not need to take any action.) Please remember that under the terms of your Domain Name Registration Agreement, the provision of inaccurate Whois information can be grounds for cancellation of your domain name registration.

For any support with respect to your relationship with us you can always contact us directly using the following Information.

Technical Support:
Tech Support URL: http://byet.org/premiumsupport

Sales Contact:
Email Address: domains@byet.net
Tel No.: +44.1912478100
Fax No.: +44.1912478100

Billing Contact:
Email Address: domains@byet.net
Tel No.: +44.1912478100
Fax No.: +44.1912478100

Tel: +44.1912478100
Fax: +44.1912478100
Support: http://byet.org/premiumsupport

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