| | Welcome to installment #437 of Landscaping Newsletter. Spring is the "overwhelming" season. Don't assume the adjective implies negativity. If someone gave you a million bucks, you'd be overwhelmed, wouldn't you? And it's in this positive sense that I find spring overwhelming. Changes to the garden come fast and furious, and I want to revel in each and every one of them.... | | 'Royal Candles' Veronica I wish I could somehow make spring and the changes it brings proceed in slow motion, so there would be more time to savor everything. 'Royal Candles' Veronica is a clump-forming perennial that attains a height of just 15 inches. Although these Veronica flowers first bloom in late spring to early summer, you can enjoy the purplish blue flower spikes throughout the summer with proper care. Learn about Veronica and how to care for it in this article. | Foxglove Foxglove is well-known for its lovely flowers and its toxicity. Personally, the latter doesn't worry me greatly, as I rarely feel the temptation to nibble on my plants as I stroll through my yard. Therefore, its beauty trumps its toxicity for me. However, if you have small children, pets, or an uncontrollable appetite, you may have to think twice before planting this perennial. | How to Install Stone Pavers Learn all you need to know about installing stone pavers, from choosing the stone and preparing for the job with landscape fabric to laying the pavers and cutting those that don't quite fit into the puzzle. | Budget-Friendly Outdoor Decorating Tonya Lee, About.com's Guide to Budget Decorating, offers a plethora of money-saving ideas in this resource, from getting plants for free to finding deals on patio furniture. Are you feeling cheap today? I am (but then again, I'm almost always in a cheap mood). | | | | Landscaping Ads | | | | Featured Articles | | | | | | Sign up for more free newsletters on your favorite topics | | | | You are receiving this newsletter because you subscribed to the About Landscaping newsletter. If you wish to change your email address or unsubscribe, please click here. About respects your privacy: Our Privacy Policy Contact Information: 249 West 17th Street New York, NY, 10011 © 2011 About.com | | | | More | | Advertisement | |
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